About Us

Hi, I'm Lindsay

Pathfinder SEO


For the past ten years, I’ve specialized in search engine optimization services for small to large businesses. As the co-owner of an SEO agency, I’ve worked on SEO projects for hundreds of businesses. Along the way, I found that the partner best suited to offer SEO services is actually you, the web designer/developer.

Today, I teach freelancers and agencies how to successfully offer SEO services. You’ll solve your customer’s challenge (getting found on Google) while growing your recurring revenue!

Why Pathfinder SEO?

Pathfinder SEO is a guided SEO platform for freelancers and agencies. With Pathfinder you can:

Onboard customers on day 1. Our streamlined process is easy to follow even if you’re new to SEO. And our progressive content ensures you will stay up to date with the latest trends as SEO evolves.

Get custom advice from an expert partner. You have an available expert resource to whom you can send questions and concerns that relate directly to YOUR clients.

Grow your recurring revenue. SEO is most effective and best delivered as a monthly service, which also becomes a predictable and stable ongoing revenue source.

Deliver more value. These days, customers want an all-in-one package. Freelancers who work with Pathfinder SEO deliver more value to their clients by solving one of their customer’s core problems — growth.



 Try a Free Course!


Learn how to package, price, market, sell and deliver SEO services in our Get Started with SEO Services course.